The top meditation app you’ve been searching for is here. Escape the stress and maintain your balance with the Inscape App. And if you live in NYC, make it a habit to stop by the Inscape Meditation Center.
Because energy is everything.
I’ll be honest, I just got into meditating this year, and yes it has changed my life tremendously. I used to think people were exaggerating when they claimed such craziness,But, I have done quite a bit of research on the topic so I’m going to share with you some science backed data on the benefits of meditating and why the Inscape App is life changing.
But first, what is meditation you ask?
Meditation is a precise technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness that is totally different from the normal walking state. It is the means for fathoming all the levels of ourselves and finally experiencing the center of consciousness within. In meditation, the mind is clear, relaxed, and inwardly focused.
When one meditates, they are fully awake, but one’s mind is not focused on the external world or on the events taking place. The goal of meditation is to go beyond the mind and experience our essential nature – which is described as peace, happiness, and bliss.
Meditation is a practical means for calming yourself, for letting go of your problems, and seeing openly and clearly. It is a way of training the mind so that you are not distracted and caught up in its endless churning. You are committing to yourself, to your path, and to the goal of knowing yourself. Learning to be calm is a universal requirement for the human body.
What are the benefits of meditation?
Stress reduction
- Meditation is one of the most effective forms of stress reduction. When you meditate, you’re able to override a part of the brain responsible for the fear mechanism which releases cortisol, the damaging stress hormone that’s responsible for many health issues. One study said suggests that meditation can cut back on anxiety by almost 40% from just 25 minutes of meditation, three times per week.
Knowledge of self
- Meditation enables us to have a deeper understanding of our inner self. Through meditation we can gain a better understanding of our life’s purpose.
- Meditation teaches you to understand yourself better. You broaden your consciousness, and become more mindful and aware. This helps you control your emotions more thoughtfully.
Boost memory
- Meditation helps improve your memory and cut back on distracting thoughts.
Better sleep + relieve headaches
- In a world where we are constantly staring at electronic screens, it’s become more difficult to fall asleep for many. Science suggests that meditation leads to a more restful night’s sleep.
- Recent research finds that the practice leads to major relief of tension headaches.
Build better relationships
- Meditation helps you to be more present, and approach tricky situations with a calm mind and body. It may help you avoid big blowouts when dealing with relationship issues.
- Scientific studies show that meditation is linked with more empathy and laughter, being more social, and having a more team-oriented mentality. (More “we”, less “I”.)
The Inscape App
The Inscape app is amazing because it offers many guided meditations that cater to specific needs. You can choose an energetic morning meditation, an upbeat afternoon, instant stress relief, facing an audience, or a tranquil evening. Each meditation will help you exhale anxiety and be more clearheaded and at peace than before.
Inscape offers single meditations, as well as various series of guided meditations including release stress, boost vitality, expand creativity, focus basics, mantra basics, and mindfulness basics.
Expand creativity has to be one of my favorite series because I am always looking for new, innovating ideas. I also love the release stress series because it keeps me focused on what’s important and trains my mind to be more positive, resulting in a happier me:)
My life changed when I took the time to really think about life and what the meaning of everything is. I wasn’t meant to work 24/7 and rush through life. I was meant to love, be loved, and do what I love.
Download the app here and enter the contest below to win a free year subscription.