Yesterday we went to the Ben-Hur premiere in Hollywood and it was AMAZING!!!

The movie was INCREDIBLE – everyone absolutely loved it. The story, the visuals, the cast, the music – everything was perfect. Congrats Joni and Keith on a major success and we cannot wait for more works of art!

I obviously Tweeted, Instagrammed, Snapchatted and took photos the whole time on the red carpet to capture all the moments. I also styled Britt and myself – the details are below.

Here are the photos and a video where I share a behind the scenes/on the red carpet experience with you.

Enjoy and go see Ben-Hur in theaters by you!

car ride ben hur




blc ben hur

Britt is wearing Vassallo and I’m wearing A.M. Club silk scarf with Daniel Silverstain pants and a Kut from Kloth blouse. We both wore My Christine fine jewelry. ben hur movie pben hur the movie


movie ben hur

blc ben hurrbbwben hur premieredads

benhur4pre partybenhurblc


popcornbenhur5after party ben hurbenhur1