
Onepiece: MinkPink / Army Jacket: Christian Benner / Silk scarf headband: AM Club

Due to the fact that I’m always in cities that are surrounded by water – NY, MIA, LA – I tend to gravitate towards laid-back, versatile and comfortable pieces that are unique.

Although these photos were taken in NYC a couple weeks ago – I was originally inspired to start wearing one-pieces as bodysuits right here in Miami. The humid, hot af weather forced me to start spicing up my wardrobe with many more one-pieces, cut-off shorts and silk scarves;)

One-pieces are one of the most versatile items a girl can have. Pair them with pants, skirts, shorts, overalls, high-waisted jeans – the possibilities are endless.

Not only are one-pieces great for “going out” outfits, but also beach days, brunches, lunches, meetings, movies, music festivals, walks in the park, picnics – pretty much anything, honestly. Plus you’re always prepared for a swim. It’s a cool old-school, retro, ’80s look that’s a bit edgy and sexy.

I’m in love with this MinkPink one-piece that I paired with cut-offs, Converse and this Christian Benner Custom jacket. This piece is a bit bold with the open back and print – so girly and innocent – I love it.







amclub amy marietta

minkpink one piece swimmie


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motley crue

christian benner motley crue

lady gaga christian benner motley crue

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