2014-12-07 02.08.18


2014-12-07 02.07.40

2014-12-07 02.07.43

2014-12-07 02.08.07


Processed with VSCOcam with e2 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with e2 preset

Poncho: Left On Houston; Leather leggings: Paige; Hat: Brixton

Photos by Sean Dougherty (@seandshoots)

I love love love this poncho – it’s basically like wearing a cozy blanket – but it’s publically acceptable – perfect piece for those chilly NYC days. Today we had our first legit snow and it was glorious – snowflakes and all. Since I personally started snapping more pics of random things that inspire me or I find interesting – I have learned to appreciate elements I once hated – such as rain and snow. Today was a beautiful day:)

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter for daily updates on new projects I am working on and other random things – @amy_marietta.

I am excited to announce that I am working with Sheraton Hotels and their #SheratonToast campaign this month. It is literally a champagne campaign . Do you have any ideas how long I have been wanting to use that caption? Literally months. It’s one of my favorite campaigns yet;) Follow @sheratonhotels for some pretty sweet pics of their resorts around the world.

What are you going to cheers to for the holidays and new year?

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Inspirations of the day:

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”

– John Kennedy

“It is the studying that you do after your school days that really counts. Otherwise, you know only that which everyone else knows.”

— Henry Doherty

Song of the day: “A Tale of Two Cities” by J Cole

This is from his new album – it’ll grow on you – trust. It’s kind of genius.